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Bring on the New Year!

First up, a belated..


...to all you bloggers out there!!

So I'm a few days too late...it's the thought that counts, so I'm told.

I've seen a ton of posts around over the last few days with lots of 2011 excitement, be it blog challenges, resolutions or read-alongs. So, I'm going to do a little bit of all three! Because I'm both sceptical of my chances of getting any posting done until 2011 has already dawned what with entertaining both my own and boyfriend's parents at our house over the next couple of days (*deep calming breaths*) and overly-excited about all the bloggy goodness I'm hoping for in this coming year.

I've already signed up for the 2011 TBR Pile Challenge but would like to get all signed up to just a couple more:

#1: 2011 eBook Challenge

Hosted over at The Ladybug Reads - this one is as simple as it sounds: read eBooks! Since I got my eReader I've fallen in love! If you too love a bit 'e' action, just head on over to the blog, choose your level and sign up! I'm going for obsessed - 20 eBooks.

#2: 2011 Outdo Yourself Challenge

Hosted over at The Book Vixen - one of the things I have learnt since I started this blog is that I let a lot of things get in the way of reading. I'll probably finish this year (unless I get poorly and end up bed-ridden with nothing but my books for company) on just under 50 books. That really isn't as many as I thought but I guess averaging a book a week isn't so bad considering the length of some of the books I have read. ANYway, this challenge sets you the task of outdoing yourself! So next year, I aim, quite simply, to read more books in 2011 than I will have read in 2010. I'm going for breaking a sweat - 11-15 more books.


Usually, I hate New Year's Resolutions - they seem fun at the time and are motivating for all of two weeks and then you end up finishing January disappointed. No way to start a year if you ask me! But, that said, I'd like to set myself some little goals for the year and see how I go:

1. Post more consistently: I now work further away from home than I did previously which means that I spend longer commuting and less time at home. So what I need to do is make better use of the time I am at home or able to blog remotely to make sure I can stay in touch with my blog and post reviews for the increasing number of books I'll be ridding *determined nod*

2. Get more involved in the blog community: So far this year, I've loved what I've seen - I want to get out there and find all there is to love amongst book blogging!

3. Be more of a nerd: I don't need too much help with this one but, more specifically, I want to keep track of what I'm reading a bit more - that means spreadsheets and lists! Ah, spreadsheets and lists.....ahem! I'm hoping that this will help me keep track of books I want to read, books I have read and generally do a better job of plotting my course through all of the hundreds of books I want to get to!

AND FINALLY, as of 1st January 2011, I will be starting my first read-along of Rebecca by Daphne du Maurier so that's very exciting :)


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